Summer is just around the corner, and that means spending as much time outside as possible. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or you just want to soak up everything nature has to offer, there’s no better way to spend more time outside than with your four-legged friend. 

Most pets love being able to explore the sights, smells, and sounds of the great outdoors, and there are plenty of things you can do together this summer to soak up the sun safely. With a little bit of planning and having the right gear on hand, you can engage in plenty of outdoor sports and activities with your furry companion, and enjoy the beauty of long summer days together. 

Staying Active Close to Home

Staying close to home this summer but you still want to enjoy some outdoor adventures? The possibilities are endless. Some of the best summer activities for you and your pet include: 

  • Hiking;
  • Hosting a BBQ with friends who have pets;
  • Camping;
  • Swimming;
  • Going to the beach;
  • Going geocaching.

You’ll quickly discover which activities your pet seems to gravitate toward. Some furry friends are more social and will love going to the park to be with other animals. Others want to run free or explore hiking trails. Some dogs absolutely love the water and will want to swim all day if you let them. If you aren’t sure what type of activity your dog will enjoy, opt to start small and try a bunch of different activities with them. For instance, spend just an overnight out camping with your dog before opting to do a longer road trip. 

Traveling With Your Pet

Speaking of trying new things, consider embarking on new adventures with your pet. Traveling together can boost your bond while exposing you both to new experiences. 

Commit to getting out of your comfort zone, but start by considering your interests. Take the time to do your research on different locations and choose a destination that appeals to you. You might even want to consider taking some time with a mentor or guide who can teach you the ropes when it comes to specific experiences or destinations. You may also need to consider safety precautions for you and your pet while you are traveling.

For example, if you want to experience some of the most beautiful locations the country has to offer, try visiting some national parks. Many of them allow pets, and you can share these unbelievable and unforgettable experiences together. Doing so can change the way you see the country, give you an appreciation for slowing down and appreciating nature, and help you to learn more things about yourself and your dog along the way.

Make sure you do your research ahead of time. While many parks allow pets to enter, they don’t allow them on trails in an effort not to disturb wildlife. But, places like Acadia National Park still offer over 100 miles of hiking paths you can enjoy with your dog, and Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and more allow you to keep your pet with you at your campground. 

Prioritizing Safety

No matter where you go or what you do with your pet, safety should be at the forefront of your mind. Nature is beautiful, but it doesn’t come without risks. With a bit of preparation, though, you can protect your pet from most of those risks

One of the easiest ways to keep your pet safe from parasites, fleas, and ticks, is to start them on a preventative medication. Unfortunately, bugs and bacteria are everywhere – especially in the great outdoors. With a topical treatment or an oral medication, you can protect your pet from bites and potential diseases. 

If you’re going to do some exploring, make sure to steer clear of things like stagnant water, trash that’s been left behind, or plants you’re unfamiliar with. If your pet ingests the wrong thing, it could end up getting sick.

You also want to make sure your pet is happy, healthy, and hydrated. Summer temperatures can get hot very quickly, and when you’re active, it takes a toll on your body. You know how important it is to stay hydrated when you’re moving, and it’s just as crucial for your dog. 

Finally, by opting for a tracker like the FitBark GPS Pet Tracker & Activity Monitor, you can enjoy peace of mind when it comes to how healthy your dog is. You’ll be able to track their miles, monitor mobility, and much more. Plus, if you’re on a hiking trail or somewhere away from home, this tracker allows you to know exactly where they are, so you can return them to safety right away. 

Summer is a great time to share some outdoor adventures with your furry friend. Keep these ideas in mind to keep them safe while you both enjoy everything summer has to offer.