Hop Aboard the Take Your Dog to Work Train!
In case you haven’t heard, June 21, 2019 will be a special day for dog lovers around the world. It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day - an event that commenced in 1999 to commemorate the wonderful things that dogs bring to our lives. Of course, there are many reasons to make every day Take Your Dog to Work Day. A recent study carried out at the Virginia Commonwealth University found that dogs have an important role to play in offices - including that of reducing one of the biggest problems in offices across the globe: stress. Dogs can also keep workers active, so if you bring yours to work, don’t forget his FitBark, to make sure your pooch is getting the right amount of exercise every day.
Man’s Best Friend vs Stress
The study mentioned above found that dogs can easy stress for their owners, but also make work more satisfying for their owners’ colleagues. It is easy to understand why dogs boost social interaction and lower tension. They have a naturally funny, appealing manner that often spark conversations between people. Sharing a laugh, talking about your pets, and giving your dog a pet while working on a challenging project can help you feel calmer and more accompanied, every step of the way.
Employees Now Seeking Dog-Friendly Workplaces
Dogs bring benefits to employees - a fact that the millennial generation in particular has picked up in a powerful way. Research undertaken at the Banfield Pet Hospital found that employees and Human Resources professionals alike reported various ways that pets enhance a good working environment. These include boosting company morale, helping promote a better work-life balance, improving relationships between staff, and making long hours more bearable. As a result, companies like Storm8 (a mobile game network publisher) seek to keep their millennial staff happy by allowing dogs in the office. Other companies are doing the same - including Etsy, Google, and Amazon.
Pet Friendly Offices a Way to Attract Top Talent
More than two thirds of employees wish they could have their dog at work - according to a survey by Mars Petcare. The researchers noted that pets create a more cooperative environment and help reduce tension between employees. Their findings also showed that more than half of all employees would bring their pooch to work at least once a week if allowed. Employers actually agree, with a vast majority admitting that establishing a dog-friendly office helps them retain top talent.
Keeping the Peace
If you are planning on taking part in Take Your Dog to Work Day or you have convinced your employers to allow employees to bring Fido in every day, you should follow a few guidelines. You should obtain consent from other employees and establish rules regarding clean-up, vaccinations, and possible scenarios. For instance, sick pets should be kept at home, and all dogs should have the mandatory vaccines. Finally, dogs at the office should have a calm temperament and get on with other dogs.
In the U.S. and U.K. alike, there is a growing number of offices that welcome dogs. Science has shown that dogs have a positive effect on owners and their co-workers. Moreover, pets keep owners active, encouraging them to head outside for potty breaks and longer walks at lunch time. If you are interested in adopting this custom at your office, do a little research into best practices, to ensure that human in the office are as happy and at peace as their dogs.