University of Sassari taps FitBark to validate a nutraceutical diet that improves dog behavior
A recent study completed by five Italian researchers confirms that a diet with a high nutraceutical value, developed and marketed by Forza10, may greatly reduce a number of issues from which many dogs suffer. The researchers were interested in evaluating how the diet can help dogs that suffer from a variety of issues including separation and general anxiety, diffidence, and clinical issues such as skin, fur, and gastrointestinal issues. As pet owners, we know how much these issues may impact not only our pups’ physical health, but also their mental health.
On the first day of the study, with the help of FitBark activity monitors, the team mapped the dogs’ behaviors, clinical conditions as well as activity/resting times. For the following ten days, the researchers provided half of the dogs with a Forza10 diet, and monitored all of the dogs via the FitBarks and Wi-Fi Base Stations.
The results were staggering! The FitBark data showed that dogs on the Forza10 diet had meaningful reductions in anxious activity and increases in rest. The dogs also displayed great reductions in diffidence, reactivity, irritability, and many more categories. The clinical results are also outstanding, showing that dogs fed Forza10 over a standard diet had large changes in dandruff, itch, seborrhea, and flush; gastrointestinal issues were also greatly reduced. Perhaps the greatest behavioral improvement was the reduction in barking, which every dog owner (and their neighbors) can appreciate!
You can review the details of the entire study on Jove, and you can purchase Forza10's diets on