Everything is more fun when you do it with a friend. And who is a better choice than your own dog? There is a perfectly good reason why dogs are called a man’s best friend. So whether you are a woman or a man, your dog is certainly a great companion for your workouts. These are some of the best exercises that you can do together  to look better and feel better too.

A golden retriever jogging with two people

Playing Fetch

This might sound ridiculous, but you can truly lose weight this way. Try going to a park a few days a week to play fetch with your dog. It will seem like your pet isn’t  tired at all, but you will be panting after only 15 minutes. You can incorporate a lot of exercises this way, such as: squats, sit-ups, push-ups or whatever that comes to mind. Make up a game; for example, try to do 10 push-ups until your dog comes running back. This is a great way to stay in shape, and have fun at the same time.

A dog playing fetch in front of the Golden Gate Bridge


If you enjoy climbing, this could be a perfect exercise for you and your pet. Hill climbing with your pet could be a great time to change your surroundings, break a good sweat, and have a  quality workout with your pup. There is also no need for  high-tech gear; just make sure you have your climbing shoes on, a bottle of water for you,  a bowl for your four legged friend, and you are on your way. Climbing is not only a good exercise, but is also good for your lungs and the breathing process.


Make a running schedule, and stick to it. You could also train your dog to wake you up every morning for a nice jog and a healthy breakfast. You could start small with just a power walk around your neighborhood, and then build it up  to a  more serious routine later. There is no better feeling than running down the street, and knowing that your companion is following you  every step of the way.


A good diet, and  healthy nutrition, makes for about 50% of any weight loss program. You can work out as much as you want, but without a proper diet it will most likely have no effect whatsoever. There are some healthy snacks or superfoods that you and your dog can enjoy together. When you feel a need for snacking, you could share some strawberries or blueberries together. Animals can eat all sorts of fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, green beans etc. A helpful idea would be to get some low carb protein bars for yourself, and some light treats for your puppy.

A wire terrier being handed a treat

Who would have known that losing weight can be so much fun? Joining your dog in their usual outdoor activities is a great way to stay healthy and fit. Of course, every dog breed enjoys different kinds of exercises. You should find out what your dog likes, and make a workout schedule for both of you. You will see that there is no better way to lose weight than this.