Summertime is here, and people will be spending quality time with their pets in the sweltering sun. Humans will perhaps think of sunscreens and watch out for the increasing number of crimes. Though, very few people will think of dangers that come with the summer to their pets. 

The weekends in July are full of pool parties, fireworks, patriotism, and barbecues as humans enjoy their summer holidays in their backyard or the clubs and restaurants. Although these weekends are jam-packed with parties and entertainment, they are the riskiest for your pets. 

Statistics from The American Humane Association show that one out of 3 pets is lost at some point in their lives. The same statistics show that about 10 million pets, both dogs and cats, are stolen or lost in the US every year. Additional information from Coalition for Reuniting Pets and Families shows that less than 25% of these pets are reunited with their families. 

Cases of death are also on the rise during the summer. These cases are caused by the increasing number of crimes towards animals and the unconducive temperatures and weather conditions.  Summer increases cases of heat stress-related injuries and possible deaths for both cats and dogs. 

With that said, the summer provides a perfect chance to be smart and creative with how you keep these cuties comfortable and safe. Here’s a list of some summer dangers for pets and smart tips to avoid them. 

Dehydration and Heatstroke

This is the first and the most overlooked pet danger that is very common during the summer. Dogs can become dangerously overheated, becoming sluggish, tired, and restless. They may also start to vomit and diarrhea or excessively salivate. 

During your summer outings with your pet, always check for dehydration. Pinching her skin to check whether it's elastic is a viable way of checking whether the pet is dehydrated. It's also important to actively communicate with a free online vet for upcoming questions and advice. 

BBQ dangers

There are obvious risks of burning and some grave risks, such as overeating. This shows that you should be very careful with your children and pets in case of outdoor cookouts. The dog can be invited to overeat or any other danger. The trash should be covered, and children strictly advised not to overfeed the dogs and cats. 

Pet drowning in swimming pools

As you enjoy your time in an outdoor swimming pool, be aware that it can only take a few seconds for a dog or a cat to drown. There are some breeds of cats and dogs that are at the greatest danger. This is an overstated summer danger because most people assume their dogs and cats are excellent swimmers. The fact remains that even excellent swimmers may fail to get out of the swimming pool safely. Puppies and Kittens are at the greatest danger of drowning. 

Spiders and snakes

This is another pervasive danger that comes with summer. Although the risks of a snake and spider bites are not common in all the places, some areas report more severe cases than others. This means that you should protect your pet from venomous animals such as rattlesnakes and black widow spiders. 

How serious snake and spider bites are depends on several factors. Some common factors are the pet's age, size, weight, and breed. It’s now essential to be on the lookout for slithering snakes and spiders when walking your dog in rural areas. 

Solar dermatitis

Solar dermatitis is a common condition caused by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This condition is prevalent in cats and dogs that have pale and white patches on the skin. The condition usually affects the non-pigmented areas such as the ears, nose, and eyelids. 

We all know that the harmful rays of the sun can cause skin damages to humans. This is the same issue with cats and dogs. Remember, humans can wear sunscreens, unlike pets. So, always provide enough shade for your pets during those long summer outings. 

Pool poison

You will probably be spending a lot of your time in the swimming pool with your dog. Although experts never disclose this, the ingestion of chlorine and other pool chemicals can cause more problems in pets than in humans. For example, dogs may experience stomach distress (diarrhea and vomiting in dogs) and kidney problems. Ingesting some of these chemicals can be hazardous for some pets and can cause serious heart diseases and kidney failure. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to keep my pet safe during the summer?

Dogs, just like humans, should be given enough water. It’s also essential to avoid hot sidewalks, avoid leaving the dog alone inside the car, and protect the dog from direct sun exposure. Additionally, brush your dog regularly and offer your best friend several ways to cool. It's now easy to find animal sunscreens in various pet stores; that way, invest in a sunscreen specifically made for pets.

How can I keep my dog cool in the summer?

Provide cool water to the dog and offer him ample shade. Be aware of the signs of heatstroke, and also never keep pets in a car or in direct sunlight during a hot summer outing. Moreover, you can always cool things down with a cute twist on the pet's favorite past time. It’s also vital to minimize exercises and protect the breeds with light skin and hair away from harmful sun rays. 

Is hot weather bad for pets?

If hot temperatures are extreme for humans to be comfortable, you can be sure your pets are adversely affected. Hot temperatures during the summer can cause heatstroke and dehydration. This is a direct indication that hot temperatures are very dangerous to dogs and cats.  

For people and their pets to be safe during the warm months, police always encourage personal responsibility. If you know you won’t have enough shade, it’s still important to leave your pets at home. Carefully observe your pets for any signs of distress and discomfort and act accordingly.